Binary Parent/Student Portal

What is the Parent/Student Portal?

It is a web based application that Can create accounts for students showing their balances for school fees and examination results

How does it work?

Allows students/parents to access their accounts online from anywhere in the world. Goes without saying that students cannot edit the information on the portal Students will view their information in real time as long as they have access to the internet Each parent/student will have their own username and password that they will use to access the system.

What does the Portal Show ?

Account statement

Fees Statement Student’s full fees history with emphasis on the current balance. The data from this feature will be automatically extracted from Binary Deposit Manager. A parent after making a deposit can login the portal and see if their payment has gone through.

 Examination Results

 This feature will allow parents/students to see their current results for that semester/term. History will also be shown for previous semesters/terms. This feature will only be accessible to students who have paid their school fees in full and do not have any outstanding amounts owed to the institution.